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Future Super Member Spotlight: Josh @ Seaside Scavenge

Written by:

James Wanjura

16 July 2019


Seaside Scavenge is a waterway cleanup and clothes swap event where litter becomes the currency to purchase pre-loved clothes, books and more at our pop-up market.

The Scavenge invites local musicians to create a friendly vibe, facilitate plastic-free living and marine debris talks by local environmental leaders.

Tell us about yourself and your passions 

My family always enjoyed the outdoors. When I was young we went camping a lot. Whether it was out on Fraser Island, up at Double Island on the Sunshine Coast or inland to the country. We were always getting out there. I think that’s what instilled in me a love for the natural world.

Growing up I was a bit of a rule breaker. I liked going ‘against the grain’. Once I was able to go out and explore on my own, I was off. Exploration has been a theme throughout my life so far.

I had a goal to visit all the 7 continents. One thing that was a constant through accomplishing that goal was that humans (myself included) had a problem with waste and overconsumption.

Josh volunteering at Sea Scavenge

Upon realising this I started on a journey to reign in my consumer behaviours and channel that energy into trying to find solutions for the issue we are facing as a species with waste.

This led me to start a small business, The Developing Clean, with a goal of “Raising Awareness & Inspiring Change” which then led me into a volunteer role with an epic Not For Profit that works in Marine Conservation, Seaside Scavenge.

What made you get involved with Seaside Scavenge?

When I arrived in Sydney at the beginning of 2017 I didn’t really know anyone and so I quickly sought to make connections. Since I had recently started my own journey into the world of environmental do-goodery it was easy for me to find some of the local heroes. I came across AJ Linke who is the founder of Seaside Scavenge.

I reached out to AJ and before long was volunteering my time with the Seaside Scavenge. I was tasked with business engagement and also helped volunteer at a couple of local events.

Skip forward to the end of 2018 and AJ was ready to bring on a Seaside Scavenge employee. I was humbled that she thought of me.

What does Seaside Scavenge do? What impact has it had?

Seaside Scavenge is a waterway cleanup and clothes swap event where litter becomes the currency to purchase pre-loved clothes, books and more at our pop-up market.

Seaside Scavenge includes the community by inviting local musicians to create a friendly vibe throughout the day as well as asking local community groups to facilitate plastic-free living and marine conservation talks.

Sea Scavenge volunteers showing off their hard work!

Seaside Scavenge has run over 50 successful events across, Australia, South Africa and the UK and has removed over 10 tonnes of litter with the help of over 5,000 participants since its inception in 2015.

156,630 Cigarette butts saved from washing into the ocean

7,712kg of pre-loved stuff diverted from landfill

10,157kg of litter picked-up from our waterways

109 businesses have taken the plastic-free pledge to avoid at least one single-use item

5,242 legends who’ve helped us out

36 communities where we’ve hosted a Scavenge

Seaside Scavenge has recently launched the ‘Spring Into Scavenge’ program which will empower communities around the globe to run their own Seaside Scavenge and become custodians of the ocean.

Seaside Scavenge is a creative solution to the problem of waste - what's something you would tell someone who thinks we can't do anything about the problems we face?

I would tell them that we can do a lot about the problems we face! Indeed we are doing a lot.

Here’s a couple of pointers for the do-gooders who are keen to create a positive impact:

Visit Support The Scavenge to find out more.

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